Posts tagged ‘rain’

rain, rain, go away?

Many fair weather friends move to our area of Colorado because of our, well, fair weather. According to the always helpful Wikipedia, we can boast sunny days 73% of the year. Rarely will you find a soul living here who expresses their enthusiasm for cold, rainy, or snowy weather.
I fear I am one of the few that relishes in these sunless days. I  delight in them. They call for me to grab a great book, cup of tea, and curl up on the couch. On the extremely rare occasion I do come upon another who enjoys the snow and cold as much as I, we are sure to be best of friends for eternity.
Cloudy, rainy weather has masked our normally sun infused skies in recent days.  So when, after a couple of these rare days, some friends began complaining, saying they hated weather such as this, I decided to go on the defense. It is April after all, and we all know what April has in store for the natural world. Rain. Rain. Rain. Being that we also live in a semi-arid climate, the rain is a necessity. In defense of the rain, I asked if they liked flowers. (No, I am not good at comebacks. Never have been and never will be.) Relenting, they replied that, yes, they did. I think it brought it into perspective.
I suppose when we (including myself) have a life that is going smoothly, our tendency its to complain about anything that isn’t going our way. Weather being the top choosing of things to badger when we are looking for a scape goat. It’s not a big deal for someone to make negative remarks about the weather, I just tire of the griping when we really have it quite good. I imagine myself living in the drought stricken land of Texas, and praying for rain.
Not too worry, I will do my share of whining when the thermostat hits ninety degrees farenheit. I do hate hot weather!

April 25, 2011 at 2:42 am 2 comments

Tracy Dee Whitt - Author

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