Archive for March, 2012

Once, Twice, Three Times a Lady (flash fiction)

Once, Twice, Three Times a Lady

Have you ever experienced a moment when you felt beautiful? A moment when you, as a whole, were ready to take on the world? I had a moment once.
The smell of cherry blossoms filled the early evening air, I stood in the middle of a grass field. My white dress blew gently in the wind, the breeze lifted my soft dark curls and threw them lazily around my shoulders. Mark was next to me, intently listening to the band as they began a new song.
The first sultry words slid out, and I recognized it immediately. Once, Twice, Three Times a Lady. I turned to Mark, wondering why they would play my song.
His hand slid around my waist, his eyes full of love. “I’m sorry I was called out of town on your birthday. I hope to make it up to you.” His adoration for me was etched in his face. At this moment he could do no wrong.


This is from a Write on Edge Prompt.

Go to This Day In Music, and discover what was number 1 on the charts in the United States, England or Australia the day you or your character was born, or any other special day in your/their life, if you prefer.

Listen to the song(s) and let it inspire you. In 300 words or less.

March 9, 2012 at 3:04 pm 4 comments

Dusseldorf’s Secrets (flash fiction)

the Cologne - courtesy of

Dusseldorf’s Secrets

It was a rainy night in Dusseldorf, Germany; muted lighting played off the sidewalk,  making for a romantic stroll. Izaak’s fingers laced through Edy’s as peaceful feelings eased through her for the first time in weeks.
Izaak leaned over and spoke close to her ear. “Where would you like to go after dinner?”
Edy watched as a man in a long black coat stared at her from behind his glasses. She  recognized him by his gray hair and striped tie. No matter how much money he made, he always wore the same tie. It was Gerhard Richter. Edy hadn’t seen him in months, but she couldn’t forget he had made her life a living hell. A smirk crossed his usually solemn face, and he was gone.
“Edy? Did you hear me sweetheart?” Izaak wondered if she could hear him above the rains constant pattering. “I asked where you would like to go after Zum Schlussel?”
“Yeah… ummm.”
“Are you okay?” Izaak had stopped walking now, the awning above them kept the incessant deluge of water from pouring off the oversized umbrella.
Edy’s eyes avoided his, and she adjusted her coat. She thought she could keep this from him, but she thought of the day he might find out on his own. Possibly run into Gerhard Richter himself, and what then? Gerhard wouldn’t keep silent.
“Did you see Gerhard Richter pass us just moments ago?” Edy slumped back against the brick wall.
“No. Do you mean the artist, Gerhard?”
“Yes, the artist.”
“And what has your mind so preoccupied with his passing by on the street?” Izaak asked.
“He holds my family’s story in his hands.”
Izaak was amused. “You knew Gerhard?”
“All too well.”
“Zum Schlussel isn’t much farther.” Izaak gently pulled her forward, hoping Edy would tell him why the sight of that man had so upset her.


The hum of voices in the pub was worse than the pattering rain. Izaak slid across the small booth, sitting close to Edy. “Tell me about Gerhard.”
“I told you my father owned a gallery until a few years ago.”
Izaak nodded, and took a drink beer.
“Gerhard is the reason it no longer exists.” Edy ran her fingers through her long wavy hair. “He blamed my father for turning the Cologne Cathedral to another artist for their stained glass window, when in fact he was the sole craftsman that the Cathedral had ever considered.” Edy banged her fist on the table. “My father did no such thing. Gerhard received the commission in the end. But before that, he destroyed my father’s business and our family.”
Izaak had met Edy just months after her father had lost his gallery. “Why would he do such a thing?”
“Gerhard is ruthless. He sees only himself, and this makes him blind.” Edy used the edge of her napkin to wipe the tear that slid down her cheek.


This prompt is from Write on Edge: Red Writing Hood

I challenge you with this opening line:

“It was a rainy night in Dusseldorf…”

You have 500 words.

March 2, 2012 at 8:37 am 10 comments

doorbells bring holiday sneers (flash fiction)

photo courtesy of: stock.xchng - Neo-classical doors II

doorbells bring holiday sneers

The doorbell rang, my daughter went sliding across the wood floor.

“Got it!” Her enthusiasm reverberated through the house. “Got it! My cousins are heeeerrrre!” Camry flung the door open. “You’re here. Finally.”

My sister-in-law nodded. “Mmm – hmmm.”

Her kids ran past me, pushing me out of the way while my “Hello’s” went unnoticed. Shelly dropped everyone’s bags in the entryway.

“Here. I’ll help you with those.” I slipped several handles over my arms.

“Ugh, she makes me so mad. All I wanted to do was get settled in our rooms, let the kids run around. They were stuck in a car for three hours. Three hours! She just doesn’t get it. She always wants to do her thing, her way!”

“Okay…” I had no idea what to say. Shelly got along fabulously with her mom when she wasn’t in the same town, and if I joined this rant, I’d have hell to pay later.

“What room are we in?”

“Just down the hall.” I led the way.

“Is it next to the bathroom? Because I know how old houses have noisy plumbing… it keeps me up and I can’t lose sleep. Ugh, then my kids climb in my bed, and I hate that.”

“Right. Well, the plumbing shouldn’t be a problem unless you plug the toilet. Then noise won’t be an issue.” I set their luggage down as nicely as I could and headed for my bedroom.

Quietly I closed the door, leaned against it and took a deep breath. I walked to the tall window that overlooked a thick forest of pine, and reminded myself to focus on what the holiday meant, and that I had my immediate family to celebrate it with.

Then ever so gently the snow began to fall.


This came from a Write on Edge prompt: Red Writing Hood – The Doorbell
Craft a piece of fiction around the holiday season. Begin the piece with “The doorbell rang,” and end with “snow began to fall.” The middle is up to you.
The entire thing should be under 300 words.

March 1, 2012 at 1:58 pm 2 comments

Tracy Dee Whitt - Author

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